Near Belgrade, as part of the Ljubivoje Ršumović Sopot Hill educational center, the Ršum Foundation organizes camps for children under the name “Academy – I’m going too!“.

These camps bring a unique concept of socializing, learning, thinking and creativity to young people, introducing them to the magical world of poetry and literature, so that they are ready to step into the world of adults without fear and unknowns.
Camp attendees can participate in various workshops, hang out with Ršum and other artists, lecturers at the camp, and spend three unforgettable days in a beautiful environment of pure nature, close to Belgrade.
Excerpt from the Ršum Foundation statute:
The goal of our “Academy – I’m going too!” camp is to help children get to know the world around them, to acquire new knowledge, to play with their imagination and expand their interests. By hiring top artists, who work with children in cooperation with dedicated pedagogues, we try to make every moment spent at the camp an unforgettable memory for the children and to be a lasting inspiration for their life and work in the future. We pay special attention to motivating children to read, because it has been proven that such children are more successful in schooling and life achievements. Through our workshops, the importance of ecology and nature conservation is highlighted, thinking outside the box is encouraged and self-confidence is strengthened for coming up with and implementing completely new ideas.