In January 2019, with his family and friends, Ljubivoje Rsumovic founded the non-governmental, non-profit organization Rsum Foundation. The goal of the Foundation is to help children and young people develop their talents and creative abilities through work and cooperation with established poets and writers.

The first regular program of the Foundation is the Academy called Associates of the Sun. It was conceived to take place in the form of a nature camp, on Zlatibor, the birthplace of Ljubivoje Rsumovic.
The first, seven-day camp was realized in 2019 in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, the Post of Serbia and the municipality of Cajetina.
During 2020, the Foundation, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, the Post of Serbia and the Children’s Cultural Center Belgrade, organized the second Academy, which lasted 14 days and took place entirely on the Internet.
In 2021. and 2022. Foundation continued its activities with third and fourth camp.