A mural with verses from one of the most beautiful and renowned poems by Ljubivoje Ršumović, “Homeland is Defended by Beauty,” was unveiled today on the Silos. In the unique setting of the Honey Garden nearby, a meet-up was arranged with the poet and the creators of this magnificent artwork that will enhance the beauty of Belgrade from now on.
Ljubivoje Ršumović shared with numerous fans of his poetry, his immense pride that “Homeland” is now accessible “to all those who cherish poetry and proper upbringing.”

– Who wouldn’t be pleased to have their poem showcased so publicly, so beautifully, and by such beautiful and creative young people. I congratulate everyone on this endeavor; this is truly a great honor. You are probably aware of what all of this means to me, but also for Belgrade and the ecological appearance of our capital city. It would be good if all these monuments of the socialist past are utilized in this way and offered for the enjoyment of the residents and visitors of the city – Ršumović said.
Anastasija Ćetković from the Gaia Movement organization, which was instrumental in the conception of this mural, shared that from the outset of work on the Silos, it was her aspiration for these particular verses to be illustrated there. She believes they embody a manifesto of what the “Silosi” Cultural Center is envisioned to be.

– I remember the first time I stepped out of the office and saw the mural, I burst into tears. Our premises are located behind this Honey Garden, where, I hope, a kindergarten will be opened next year. When I saw it, I imagined the children growing up in front of the Silos and alongside these significant verses. As someone who has spent many years abroad, this song meant a lot to me; it brought me back to my country and homeland. The choice of using Cyrillic script is deliberate, as it is one of the most beautiful creations of our people. The mural is crafted with Serbian medieval embroidery, reminiscent of parchment, and the specific use of calligraphy gives it a timeless presence, as if it has always been there. – Anastasija said.

The realization of the mural was also supported by the Nelt Group, represented by Milica Sočanac, who highlighted that this mural will always serve as a beautiful reminder of “what the homeland is and how it is truly defended, something that is increasingly necessary in today’s times.”
Mural authors are Viktor and Lera Pushkarev and Luka Prstojević.

Pushkarev moved to Serbia from Russia at the age of five and was brought up at the crossroads of Russian and Serbian cultures. Although he returned to Russia for a time, he has now come back to his ‘adopted’ homeland.
– It’s an honor to be here and to have had the opportunity to work on the mural, especially since it depicts a poem by Ljubivoje Ršumović. As a child starting school, my knowledge of the Serbian language was limited, and among the first words I learned were the verses from the ‘Homeland.’ What’s interesting, and perhaps most important, is that all of us – the authors, the idea creators, all of those who made this mural possible, and all of you who came here today – are beautifully connected by these verses that remind us of childhood! – Pushkarev expressed.